Degreasing is essential to many industrial processes, as a prelude to surface finishing or to protect sensitive components. Degreasing includes removal of oil soils, grease and lubricating.Our degreasing chemical is effective in removing all the above said things. We have wide range of degreasing products.
GEECEAN-SG797- Alkaline Cleaner
GeeClean-SG797 product is very effective in removing all oil contents in the metal surface. This is very effective in removing 100% oil content. GeeClean-SG797 is able to convert insoluble fatty acid to soluble fatty acids and hence it is more effective than other type of degreaser.
* Degreaser for both spray and dip mode of application.
* Heavy duty and light duty degreaser for both dip and spray mode of application.
* Ambient and hot temperature degreaser.
* Alkaline degreaser for both ferrous and non-ferrous components.
GEECEAN-K727- Electro Cleaner
GeeClean-K727 is a Anodic cleaning also known as electro cleaning is the pretreatment process used before any type of plating. This method of cleaning utilizes a DC current which creates a foaming action around the part thereby removing dirt and other contaminants that would not have otherwise been removed through a normal soak cleaning.
It can also be used as a soak cleaner.